Los Angeles House Backyard Wedding | Ada and Aram
The golden grass field is just right behind the hill from our house. The nearest landscape becomes ours, and also be a part of our special day. We are so busy to visit others landmarks but we never really appreciate the scenes closed to us from the bottom of our hearts. That’s the thing we all learn from the past year.
這樣糟糕的一年多,我們太多東西想要忘記,但當中也有很多值得我們永遠記住的事情,相信很多人都有著同樣掙扎的心情,婚禮攝影師也不例外。拍攝家中舉行的小型婚禮,我與客人們距離更接近,要注意的細節更多,亦需要更敏捷的反應,也顧及不上什麼社交距離了。相反,我很喜歡這種沒有太多既定東西的婚禮儀式,可以放下既定的審美標準去拍攝,記錄當中更多的timeles and fearless moment。