Have to say thank you to Groom’s good Bro to put on the Dinosaur costume in such a hot day. His sacrifice made the first look and photo session to be special and extremely fun. Surrounded by the ocean, mountain and palm trees, the joy and tears were just be much more precious at that moment.
Read More這場充滿愛的婚禮,從儀式到晚宴新娘早已哭成淚人,我們就是要記錄下情緒感爆滿的每個畫面,讓每一幀決定性的瞬間都在快門下成為永恆的記憶。
Read More很久沒拍印度婚禮了,也很久沒遇到讓我純紀實的拍攝,很難得新人不需要staging和posing,可以讓攝影師憑感覺去紀錄precious moement,這樣的婚禮安排反而激起很多拍攝的熱情。
“As I reflect on it, I realize that I am in love with you for all the little things. How excited you are to just go on a short walk around the neighborhood with me. The little stationary dance that you do when you eat the food you love. How you ask to be my sous chef when I cook.
I remember vividly when I asked you half-jokingly "Fei…..what if I fail out of med school and am unable to make it as a physician." While most others would dismiss these concerns as an impossibility, you responded within a split second: "No worries! I'Il take care of us!" It was not until then did I fully understand the quote "How beautiful it really is to have found someone who asks for nothing but your company".
Read MoreIt is an honor to be the wedding photographer of the Emmy Awards Writer Jessica Gao! When I saw her Kirkland signature sweat pant and the Monstera leaf wedding arch, I knew I would find out more similar taste later. ( We both like Costco a lot lol) After the intimate ceremony, I was surprised that I could see lots of TV and movie actors showing up at the reception and also one of my favorite stand up actor, Jimmy O Yang @funnyasiandude . (If you haven’t watch his show “Good Deal”, I strongly recommend 😂). I think only a creative writer can have this special idea to gather so many Hollywood actors in a Shanghainese Seafood Restaurant and watch the Lion Dance and have the sparklers farewell at the end.
Read More婚禮當天工作都很長卻過很快,很累但很滿足;作為婚禮攝影師感到最blessed的,就是可以記錄一幕幕情緒滿滿的時刻。
Read More在同一個建築空間裡面要創作拍攝上百次以上,很大可能性會慢慢地對此地變得有些麻木,這便是最好的理由去欣賞一下哈默修伊的畫集,日復一日的畫著家裡日日夜夜的同一個角落,卻展現不一樣的美,他的這份平靜,創造了一個屬於自己的宇宙,也給了我們一個很好的提醒,我們需要靜靜地用心觀察每一道光影,聆聽誓詞中的故事,用情感去創造我們作品裡的宇宙。
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整天下雨的婚禮已經夠有挑戰性了,但更具挑戰的是這場婚禮,進場時从霢霂到霶霈只是眨眼間。Bob Dylan說過,有些人能感受雨,而其他人只是被淋濕。這是一場能感受到雨和愛,卻分不清雨和淚的儀式。
Read More這天的我們就是喝著香檳,唱著跳著Jiggle Jiggle一直玩到ceremony開始的。有時婚禮上會遇到像太興奮,太緊張等情況引起一些不可抗逆的小插曲,雖然在經驗豐富的我們面前,那只是微不足道的小坎;也因爲這些小插曲讓婚禮上的每分每秒都很珍貴,我更不想錯過將每一幕變成有意境的畫面。
Read MoreWhen the wedding day is full of tears, laugh and energy, it just killed lots of shutters to catch all the memories.
Read MoreHow amazing to capture the dual Japanese and Korean ceremony and western ceremony in two days. The night climaxed with bride and groom dancing performance. It was the epic wedding!
Read More或許很少人會去想像婚禮當天可以有多開心和激動以致hangover,那麼play back每一個珍貴的瞬間的任務就交給我們吧。
Read More在City Hall領證可以是一件有趣又可以是一件乏味的事情,太多的人用同樣的方式去打開重要的這一天;所以我們加入一些婚禮上的儀式感和一些期待一起去做的事情。在去領證的路上播放著那些屬於我們的歌單,同樣的路程卻感覺一下就到了目的地,最後在親人和朋友的見證許下對彼此一生的承諾。
Read More這次遇到的一對新人是化妝師和設計師的組合,也是一场让我难忘的维京主题婚礼,在设计布置上不止体现了新人都喜爱的“维京文化”,同时也为来自中国的新娘创造了很多属于她自己的“东方情结”。婚礼的由浓烈的焦橙作为主要色调,结合少量的粉和紫,这样的色彩组合为深秋上纽约州的寒冷带来了视觉上的温暖感觉。還有一對新人都是從事藝術方面的工作,在拍攝中是會產生蠻多有趣的化學效果,但挑戰的地方也是有不少的喔,例如有老人家的bridal party是蠻特別但又給了拍攝上一些創作的限制,不過各種碰撞出來的效果還是蠻喜歡的,也是拍婚禮有趣的地方,正因為這些因素組成當天各種瞬間的觸動才令人難忘。
Read More山林中的日式庭院和葡萄牙風格的天主教堂組成了這天婚禮拍攝的主要場景,這樣中西文化的融合為整個婚禮故事性增加了很多有趣的視覺驚喜,期待每一場婚禮都有不同文化和禮節帶來視覺上的衝擊和化學作用。
Read More一封手寫的情信和一首自創的歌曲,沒有比這樣更有儀式感的first look了,充滿愛的一天就已經在正式的儀式前悄悄地開始了。
The handwritten love letter gives the best moment of the wedding day.