Posts tagged upstate new york
Fei and Matt Wedding

這次遇到的一對新人是化妝師和設計師的組合,也是一场让我难忘的维京主题婚礼,在设计布置上不止体现了新人都喜爱的“维京文化”,同时也为来自中国的新娘创造了很多属于她自己的“东方情结”。婚礼的由浓烈的焦橙作为主要色调,结合少量的粉和紫,这样的色彩组合为深秋上纽约州的寒冷带来了视觉上的温暖感觉。還有一對新人都是從事藝術方面的工作,在拍攝中是會產生蠻多有趣的化學效果,但挑戰的地方也是有不少的喔,例如有老人家的bridal party是蠻特別但又給了拍攝上一些創作的限制,不過各種碰撞出來的效果還是蠻喜歡的,也是拍婚禮有趣的地方,正因為這些因素組成當天各種瞬間的觸動才令人難忘。

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Rowan and Devin Wedding

I was so happy to cover this garden style Wedding.Their wedding location was in Buttermilk Falls Inn. It has a pretty nice view of Hudson river when you stand in the balcony of the vacation house. They were thrilled to be spending an entire weekend with their friend and family, besides the traditional ceremony hosting near the lake with the beautiful sunset, laying around on the grass, playing lawn games, doing sports competitions, getting the drinks on, and having a raging party and BBQ in night time. It was memorable day and I could say I can't feel any pressure of the whole weekend even I was in working mode. For sure, the whole party was so relax and fun for everyone hanging out. They made the commitment for each other meanwhile they could enjoy and play games with friend and family. I think it is a brilliant idea to make a wedding like that.

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