即使拍了許多許多場婚禮 每次可以聽著新人如何一路走來故事 看著那些掛在照片牆上紀錄你們走過的一段段往事 都感覺自己在看不同的小說 由愛情變成親情是一段很奇妙的旅程 有些人要經過很多彎路卻走得很輕鬆 有些人在眼前的大直路上卻走得很艱辛 愛情有時候是需要雞湯的 去教會我們如何珍惜 信任 包容 但更多的時候是需要'臭味相投'的 沒什麼比兩個人可以做回自己的相處更自由更令人嚮往
Read More夕陽下的婚禮拍過不少 在日出前就開始準備的婚禮卻是第一次 也是我拍過最早的婚禮儀式 婚禮進行曲隨著陽光的出現而奏起 鳥聲 琴聲和歡笑聲下 似乎每一聲快門響起 都有了不一樣的意義
Read MoreI was so happy to cover this garden style Wedding.Their wedding location was in Buttermilk Falls Inn. It has a pretty nice view of Hudson river when you stand in the balcony of the vacation house. They were thrilled to be spending an entire weekend with their friend and family, besides the traditional ceremony hosting near the lake with the beautiful sunset, laying around on the grass, playing lawn games, doing sports competitions, getting the drinks on, and having a raging party and BBQ in night time. It was memorable day and I could say I can't feel any pressure of the whole weekend even I was in working mode. For sure, the whole party was so relax and fun for everyone hanging out. They made the commitment for each other meanwhile they could enjoy and play games with friend and family. I think it is a brilliant idea to make a wedding like that.
紐約遇上三藩市 當年Chloe萬聖節婚禮的伴娘Jinna 沒想到那麼快 可以和Chloe在三藩市見證你的婚禮 很高興可以為你紀錄當天每個幸福瞬間 我實現你的小心願同時 你也實現了一直想拍一場有cable car外景的婚禮的心願
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